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Ting Zhou was born in Shanghai, China.  Her raw passion and skill for the arts became evident at an early age.  The intricacies of painting and photography have always grasped her attention.  Ting moved to Vancouver in 1986 where she attended the University of British Columbia, studying medicine.  Upon her arrival in Vancouver, she became fascinated with the beauty that she witnesses in everyday life and today, she strives to convey this beauty through her art.  She draws upon inspiration for her painting, photography, interior design, and culinary art from still life, landscapes, and the intimacies of human interaction. She is the Vice President of the CAAC 2010-2018.



生於上海。 自幼年開始就對文學藝術興趣濃郁,尤其對于繪畫和攝影藝術更是情有獨鍾。1986年來到的溫哥華就讀UBC 醫學院研究生。在溫哥華20多年的生活中, 她無時不被這裡的秀麗山水, 異國人情和豐富多彩的日常生活感染著,這 使她對繪畫,攝影,裝飾和烹調的藝術都有了更進一步的探索和追求。2010-2018年任加拿大中華文心藝術總會副會長。

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