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Donna 沈玉儀


1981年移民加拿大後一直從事中西畫創作,參加本地,香港, 多倫多, 渥太華及美國書畫展50多次, 多年都有作品被收藏。獲哥倫比亞大學 、中華文化中心、中山公園展覽廳邀請展出。曾獲文化藝術總會 “寫生优異獎” “風韻Excellent獎” 及2008年至2010年三年連獲全溫華人藝術家評審第二名。曾在六份報刋雜誌刋登文章及畫作

Since 1981 immigrated to Canada. She has participated in more than 50 exhibitions around the world including places like Vancouver, Toronto , Hong Kong, Ottawa and L.A. Various establishments such as UBC, Chinese Cultural Center of Vancouver and the Sun Yat-Sen Classcial Chinese Garden have requested to put her works on display.

Donna has won many awards including the Sketching Award of Outstanding Excellence and “Feng Yun” Award of Outstanding Excellence. She has also received the runner-up Juried Award Certificate from the Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Vancouver, for three years in a row (2009-2011.) Her works and articles have been printed in six different magazines and newspapers.

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