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  Lena-Hsu 郭麗娜


本人自幼喜愛畫圖, 升學後便疏於作畫, 十年前偶有機會提筆畫些壓克力, 數年前蒙鍾老師指導在繪畫的技巧及知識, 得益良多。

繪畫是我的愛好, 也是修身養心之道。 每當我作畫時內心一片寧靜無旁念, 當畫完成時開心無比。希望這份愛好能持續至不能畫為止。


Lena_Hsu loved drawing since she was a little girl. Unfortunately, she didn't do much after high school but she had a chance to start painting acrylic ten years ago. Mr. Chung taught her a lot of painting skill, technique and art theory of watercolour and acrylic a few years ago. She was deeply appreciated. As painting is an art of meditation. Every time, she concentrates on painting, she feels peaceful in her mind and whenever the painting is completed, she feels the joy of fulfillment is priceless. She sincerely hopes she will continue painting to the moment that she can't do it.

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