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Julie Wang 王怡紅

Julie Wang was born in Beijing, China. From her early childhood she found her passion in the fine arts.  She moved to Canada in 1987 to complete her doctorate degree in medical research at the University of British Columbia.  Upon her arrival in Vancouver, she was immediately captivated by the breathtakingly distinctive beauty of her new home.  The endless vistas of water, mountains, and woodlands inspired her beyond words.  Over the years, as she explored every corner of Vancouver and traveled through British Columbia, the desire to capture her love for this land on canvas developed within her. She is the Board Director of the CAAC 2008-1012.



王怡紅,北京人,自幼熱愛文學藝術。1987年到加拿大溫哥華UBC大學攻讀醫學博士學位。初到溫哥華,第一眼就吸引了她的是這裡的人文與自然美妙和諧的景觀。秀水青山給了她用言語不能形容靈感。多年來, 她走遍了這裡的每一個角落, 用油畫記錄了她對這片土地的熱愛。2008-2012年任加拿大中華文心藝術總會理事。

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