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Alice xinyue Yu 于心悅  

于心悅    Alice  xinyue Yu

1996年8月出生於中國北京。三歲對繪畫產生濃厚的興趣,五歲開始在少年宮正式學習繪畫藝術。2001年初獲邀與208名兒童一起共同完成申辦北京奧運百米長卷圖。 2006年隨父母移民加拿大。2008年在一次參觀畫展中, 被國畫細膩的筆法和意境而吸引,之後師從於張麗娜老師。張麗娜老師是中國吳派傳人、水墨畫大師周士心先生的得意門生。在張老師的悉心指導下,在國畫方面取得了長足進步並於2011年5月有作品在溫哥華市中心圖書館畫展中展出。目前就讀於Lord Byng Art Mini School,將來有誌致力於中西繪畫藝術的融合和發展。


Alice was born in Beijing, China. Her parents noticed she was interested in art at the age of four. Alice has been studying art since then. In 2001, Alice was invited to help create art on the hundred metre long cloth for the Beijing Olympics. Alice has continued her studies in art since moving to Vancouver; she is now focused on techniques in traditional Chinese painting.

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