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劉思愛生于香港,跟隨父親自學成才的藝術家劉富華學習油畫, 炭筆素描。並在中文大學校外課程學習中國畫兩年。思愛創辨了香港小畫家天地教授兒童畫,從一個學生到百多個學生。1989年赴美國佛羅裏達國際大學主修藝術。1992年獲藝術學士。其後以賞學金進入北伊利諾州立大學攻讀藝術治療碩士, 並任助教職位。1994年獲得博物館教育碩士, 並獲新進藝術家獎。 1995年, 完成藝術治療碩士。1997年移民加拿大溫哥華,開始成爲心理治療師為社區服務,2004年完成博士學位。


於2000年在加拿大創立Dr.Art  School of Expressive Arts Therapy。進行藝術治療團體教學, 提供及頒發藝術療法文憑課程和講習班。 她深信心理精神病是可以預防的。過去10年跟隨醫療援助隊在中國各省的精神病院及山區致力精神心理健康培訓工作。
目前處半退休狀態, 過去爲了病人她自己無瑕創作。現有時間整理畫作,她再次拿起繪圖工具創作藝術,將藝術真善美的本質由內而外地揭示彰顯出來。

1984 兩顆童心 (炭筆)
1990 道的藝術 (中國水墨) 
1992 回歸自然 (銅版彫印)
1993 靜的考驗 (水彩畫)
1994 四季 (水彩)
1995 Best New Artist Award, Deklb Art Festival
2011  Richmond Arts Award Finalist
2012 Richmond Arts Award Finalist
2013 Richmond Arts Award Finalist
2016 Richmond Mid-Summer Arts Dream 1st prize in Art
2017 Richmond Mid-Summer Arts Dream 1st prize in Art

Lau, Sze Oi  Ed.D.   

Dr. Lau was born in Hong Kong. She studied charcoal and oil painting from her father. In 1992, she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking from Florida International University. Between 1993 and 1996, she studied Museum Art Education and Art Therapy under full scholarship at

the Northern Illinois University. During this period, she painted with watercolors and received “The Best New Artist Award” at the DeKalb Art Festival.In 1997, she moved to Richmond, British Columbia to establish her private practice in Art Psychotherapy. She received her doctoral degree in 2004. Dr. Lau was a finalist for

“Richmond Arts Awards” from 2011 to 2013.

Dr. Lau is semi-retired after 25 years as a therapist. She is pursuing again her love for art and endeavours to portray the essence of beauty from the inside out. She won the first prize at the Richmond Midsummer Art’s Dream Show for two consecutive years.

Canada Office: Unit 3, 5911 Cooney Rd. Richmond, V6X 4H2 Canada.            

Tel.: (604) 723-1998.                       


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