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李伯明  Bernie Lee



受聘於(亞洲周刊 )當首席攝影師 ,

及商業廣告製作。及後轉營相片沖印行業 ,

曾於香港大會堂展覽廳展出並被美術博物館提議收藏 。
近期作品選擇了一個較為大膽及感性的胴體美, 運用不同的攝影及繪畫技巧 配合電腦的特殊效果及新的創作方式,集中於設計,線條,色彩,光影及形像來表達視覺上的感性 ,誇幻和浪漫。
如(美妙胴體影畫展 ) 在Canadian Comparative

Fine Arts Centre 舉行個展 ,
ArtShot 2005 及2006 by BC Photographic Artists

聯展。(數碼純藝展) 2006 於温哥華中華文化中心文物館。
“Woman” 在西溫哥華之 Ferry Building Gallery 展出,
“Refulgent Figures” 在 the Art Corner of

Delta Art Council 個展,
“Phantasm 幻影寫真” 於 Basic Inquiry Gallery 個展..等
“祖國之旅數碼純藝展2007” 於廣西柳州市及廣東東莞市巡迥展出,
李伯明 是加拿大華人藝術家協會前副會長 (2007~2010)
同時亦是温哥華人體寫生畫社Basic Inquiry副會長 (2007~2009)
Born and educated in Hong Kong, he studied Art and Design at the University of Hong Kong.
 In the 70‘s, Bernard was appointed the chief photographer for Asia Weekly, one of the leading magazines in Hong Kong.
 Consequently, he became a free-lance commercial photographer/graphic designer.
By 1976, Bernie had moved to Vancouver, Canada,
and worked in the photo industry for numerous years, specializing in colour mural enlargement and commercial photo production. Soon after, Bernie setup the first one-hour photo service chain in Vancouver and Victoria.
 His accomplishments in art include an innovative photo exhibition with a semi-abstract theme

“Life & Soul” using water and ink technique

in darkroom processing at the Exhibition Hall of Hong Kong City Hall.
His digitized photo arts were shown in local and overseas galleries including Liuzhou Museum &
DongGuang Museum in China.
 Bernie was the Vice-president of the

Chinese-Canadian Artists Federation of Vancouver (2007 ~ 2010), also serving as the Vice-president of the Vancouver Life Drawing Society (2007 ~ 2009)

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