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 Chan Kam-Chi 陳錦池

Chan Kam-Chi was born in Macau, China. He was interested in the Fine Arts since childhood and learned painting and sculpture from Chiu Wai-Fu. He continued his studies in Chinese brush painting with Lee Wan-Zhi, sculpture with Ho Ping-Cong, Chinese calligraphy with Tse Yim and seal carving from Chan Feng-Tzu. He was invited to demonstrate his calligraphy in Perth, Australia in 1989 and has traveled widely in Asia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Denmark to promote Chinese painting and calligraphy. He has been teaching Chinese arts (including: painting, calligraphy, seal carving, pottery, sculpture) since 1989. He has continued to teach in Vancouver after immigrating in 1994.


陳錦池出生於中國澳門,少好美學,先後從趙偉夫學西畫及雕塑、隨李曼石學國畫、隨何秉聰學古瓷鑑證及陶藝雕塑、隨謝琰學習書法、1962年隨求是山人陳風子學篆刻,1989年應聘到澳洲柏斯示範書法,其後代表香港屢到日本、台灣、韓國、美國、英國、丹麥、星馬泰等十餘國示範表演,陳錦池極具豐富教學經驗,1989 年受聘於學校及成人訓導中心擔任書法、國畫、篆刻、陶藝、雕塑等教藉,1994年移居加國,隨即參與社會公益及義工行列,同時於僑道中文學校、列治文華人社區協會及喜士定社區中心、教授藝術課程  。

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